How To Create Content For Your Website

For me one of the hardest parts of running an online business is coming up with content.  The first step to coming up with content is to come up with some interesting topics that your audience will actually read.

creating content
creating content

This is true in any niche.  Whether you are promoting a how to make money online product or a how to lose weight product or maybe even trying to sell a physical product such as a coffee maker you still need some form of content.

When we think of content we mostly think of written content.  When you are researching a particular topic on the internet most of the information that you will find will be in the form of written content.  Of course you are also going to get content in the form of pictures and videos.

How Do We Find Topics For Content

When we first start out trying to build an online business we are usually advised to try and promote something that interests us.  Many people may pick a favourite hobby to promote.  The reason behind this is if we are familiar with something it will be much easier to create the content needed to promote our product.

For example if you are an avid seamstress you could find some products to promote that are related to sewing.  One niche that immediately pops into my head is sewing machines.  Seeing that you already sew you probably have a sewing machine and you probably have a desire for a sewing machine with more options.  You could maybe write content on various types of sewing machines.

That would get you started but you are going to need a lot of content to promote your product.

Research! Research! Research!

content strategy
content strategy

Often times when first starting our online business we think we know our topic.  However in my own experience I have started websites that I thought would be easy to create content for only to walk right into the proverbial brick wall.  Nothing worse than going blank when you need to create content to promote your site.  This is where you need to go into research mode.  You need to look at other sites that are promoting the same thing and see what they are talking about to their followers.

This is to strictly pick up some ideas for you to be able to create some new content for your site.  Under no circumstances should you copy your competitors website.  I can’t emphasize this enough, your research is solely for the purpose of getting some great ideas for topics so that you can create great content for your site.

Remember Google is always watching and if you start copying content from other websites you will get penalized.

Since content is what gets your site listed in the SERP’s, creating content should be always on your mind.  Sometimes ideas pop in your head at the weirdest times so it might be a good idea to carry pen and paper with you so you can jot down these ideas.  Later when you are at your computer you can research them out and see if your idea is a good one or not.

Make It Believable

Another aspect of content is that it needs to be believable.  You need to be honest with your readers not misleading.  Typical examples of misleading content can be seen when you come across a website promoting a product.  Most times the product is a how to make money online product.

These type of sites usually offer you what seems to be an absolutely unbelievable offer that tugs at our emotions.  We do not want to believe it but there is a slim chance it may be the real deal.

These sites are very professional looking making them all that more believable.  Of course there is usually a time restraint on getting this unbelievable product.

Content like this is what gives the online industry a bad rap.

When creating your content make it believable by keeping it simple.  Don’t try to dress up your content with big words that you barely understand.  Say it the way that you and your audience will understand.

how to create content for your website

Also when writing content make sure you are using an online dictionary so your spelling is correct.  Correct spelling is important although it may be harder for those whose first language is not English.  It may be difficult at first but an article with correct spelling will help in the long run so the extra effort will pay off.

Pictures & Videos Equals Great Content

I have talked mostly about written content but content also comes in the form of videos and pictures(You’ve heard that old expression “A picture is worth a thousand words”).

When writing content obviously what you write is crucial but how it is presented is also important.  Just imagine if this article was written as one paragraph.  There would be no spaces or no headlines.  I doubt very much if you would even read the whole article and if you did you would probably have to start over a few times as the content just would not hold your attention and you would lose your focus.

Inserting relative pictures into your content helps to break it up and makes it easier to read.

Another thing that makes your content easy to read is the color.  Try and stick to a white background with black print.

You can also insert a video within your content.  Again the video should be relative to your content.  You can create your own video or find one on YouTube.

how to create content for your website
how to create content for your website

Nowadays the most popular videos it seems are the whiteboard explainer videos.  Over the last couple of years these videos have gained a lot of momentum.

So we have three different types of content that we can create to add to our site.  Hopefully this content will get ranked and we will start and get visitors to our site.  The more visitors we get to our site then the more of an authority we will be viewed as.  As our website gains authority we should start to see the results we are looking for.

Of course creating content for our website is just a small part of running a successful online business.

When the internet first started you could put up content and people would come.  You remember that old phrase “Build it and they will come”.  Google is always changing and in order to get visitors to your site now you need to do more than just post your content.

To find out what more you need to do to make your online business successful check out Wealthy Affiliate.  They have been around since 2005 and they have made many changes over the years.  These changes have helped them keep up with the changes that Google keeps making.  At Wealthy Affiliate you will find the tools you need to run a successful online business.  Take a few minutes and see what they have to offer.  What you decide to do in the next few minutes can change your future.  Click Here to change your future!


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    • Ralph
    • November 25, 2016

    I have always been thinking about starting an online business, but with all the scams out there, I have always been afraid to. but it seems that wealthy affiliate is more about helping its members build an online business rather than promising riches. the members seem very active as well. def interested in learning more. Thanks!

      • Maureen
      • November 26, 2016

      Wealthy Affiliate is the place to be if you are seriously thinking of building an online business. You can sign up for free and see what it is all about before you decide to join as a premium member. How many other programs do you know that offer that? To learn more sign up for frfee and take a test ride.

    • Darren
    • November 24, 2016

    I’ve really been struggling for new content ideas of late, that’s why I’m glad I found your article. I need some motivation and inspiration.

    I must admit I’ve been a tad lazy in the research department of late and I know I need to put more effort in to come up with workable ideas that will be interesting to read. Thanks for all the great tips here.

      • Maureen
      • November 24, 2016

      Hi Darren I have the same problem as of late. One thing that did give me some great ideas for content is Google Alerts. If it worked for me it will work for you. Best of luck!

    • Evie
    • September 26, 2016

    Very good advice there on research needed to create content. I am currently in that boat with one of my websites as I seem to have hit a brick wall and cannot think of a topic – complete writers block. The other thing I find at that point is the more I try and force myself to write at that point the worse it becomes. At that stage I therefore go out for a walk or lunch out and strangely topics then seem to pop into my head (I stick a notebook in my pocket)

    • Neil
    • May 12, 2016

    Writing content for my new website is a big issue for me at the moment because I keep getting writer’s block and can’t think straight.

    However, there are some great tips here that I can implement myself, and the research bit I especially find most helpful in my situation.

    I will certainly put your online content steps into practice on my blog.


    1. Reply

      Hi Neil thanks for your comments. I think we all suffer from writer’s block at some point. It is so frustrating when it happens. Even if you cannot write at the moment you can still research your topic so your time is still put to good use. Best of luck with your blog.

  1. Reply

    So i was reading your content on “How to create content for your website” and I found it to be interesting and helpful. What I would like to know is, How would i put video reviews on my site without getting penalized by Google? Can I just copy a video from a place like YouTube or should I create my own video? Personally, I don’t believe I am very “Photo-genetic” so doing a video might be hard, plus I would like video review from important people that my audience would trust and would want to comment about. What do you think? I would really like your input please email me at either: or at

    1. Reply

      Eric video is definitely getting more popular as a way to get traffic to your site. You may find a few videos on YouTube that the owner does not want people using them but the majority of videos can be put on your site. Having your own video would be better and you could actually just do a Powerpoint presentation. No need for you to go on camera yourself but just so you know most people do not think they are very photogenic.

    • Effie
    • April 25, 2016

    Hi! Very interesting article. You are absolutely right when you say that website content is extremely important for a website to succeed. I believe that all website owners have encountered difficulties about content creation. What is your opinion about paid content? For example, using iWriter? Do you think it is trustworthy? Can you suggest other sites like iWriter? Thanks! Keep up!

    1. Reply

      I haven’t used paid content in quite awhile and I never used iWriter so I cannot comment on them. When using services like that you need to know what you want. Most content and article writing services are good. Make sure if you use one that you are given the opportunity to review what they have written before you accept it. Most services won’t charge you until you are satisfied with the content. I think it is a good idea to first write your own content just so you know what you want on your site. I find by knowing what type of content you want makes it easier to convey that to a person that you wish to have write content for your site.

      Also make sure all the content that you buy is unique. A good service will guarantee this by running the content through Copyscape.

    • Marcus
    • April 25, 2016

    One great way to come up with new topics for content is to set up a bunch of Google Alerts for some key phrases related to your topic. That way, you can be notified any time there are any new related products or any time another website writes about the topic.

    I also highly recommend following YouTube channels in your niche. Anytime you are stuck for something to write about, go looking for a video about something in your niche. You can then embed that video into a blog post and use it as a jumping-off point to write something about it. You can criticise it, expand on it, talk about related things, whatever. Don’t be afraid to give your opinion.

    1. Reply

      Hi Marcus thanks for the great advice. I have used Google Alerts and do find them quite useful. I really like your idea about using YouTube. With so many videos available to us that is a lot of great content ideas.

    • Emily
    • April 25, 2016

    Thank you so much for this thoughtful article! It’s a great help to those of us just starting out the scary process of content creation and I don’t think we can be reminded enough times to keep things simple and relatable. I really like your idea of carrying a pen and paper around for when ideas pop into your head.
    Thanks again!

    1. Reply

      Hi Emily I have used the pen and paper for a long time now. Sometimes ideas pop in my head at the craziest times in the craziest places so pen and paper for me has been quite useful.

    • Courtney
    • April 25, 2016

    A good article on writing content, well written in an easy to follow style, the sub headings was a great idea for a long article and the use of mages was well done. This is a great article for newbies to read, It is easy to go blank sometimes.very informative and great tips.

    1. Reply

      Thanks for your comment Courtney. When trying to think about what I should write is when I usually hit a brick wall. Taking the dog for a walk is another method I use. When I get my mind off of the task at hand that is when I tend to get creative juices flowing. Besides my dog likes it too!

    • wunderkindonsulting
    • April 25, 2016

    You offered some really amazing and actionable advice on content. Even some of the advice that appeared to be more simple, such as stick to a white background with black test, is simple, but overlooked sometimes. Also, the recommendation to research your topic. The more you research, the better your actual content will be. I’ve learned that choosing a niche that you are truly interested in is extremely important, because no matter how long your blog is running, you will always have to research, and to be on top of new developments to keep your content fresh and interesting for the readers.

    1. Reply

      Thanks for the comment. You make a very good point it doesn’t matter how well you think you know your topic things change and research becomes necessary. Nothing worse than posting outdated content.

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